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27th April, 2014

Talk Show by Mr. Sandeep Kumar

We recently had the Honour of welcoming Mr. Sandeep Kumar, the Joint Secretary of the North Africa and West Asia Division of the External Affairs Ministry of the Government of India to deliver a talk to our students. The Talk was held as a part of Clio, the History Society cum Informal Discussion Group of Genesis Global School. Mr. Sandeep Kumar has had almost 3 decades of experience in the Indian Foreign Services and hence there could have been no better speaker to talk to our students about ‘Shaping the Individual: A career in the Indian Foreign Service’. He talked about his own dreams, aspirations & inspirations, the Nature and nuance of his job which is bolstered by his array of hobbies. He also read a passage from his acclaimed memoirs about his stay in Afghanistan. After the Talk Mr. Kumar kindly consented to give an interview to the School magazine which will be soon published in the Trumpet. He also gifted the School library a copy of his book with the Inscription ‘To Genesis Global, a model institution!’. The Genesis family is grateful to him for his time and words that he so kindly bestowed on us.

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