The Diploma Programme (DP)

IB Diploma- Programme Model

The IB Diploma programme is one of the most rigorous & challenging pre – university programmes across the world. The programme provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education and is recognized by universities worldwide.  Genesis Global School has been offering the Diploma programme since 2014. The results over the years have been 3-4 grade points higher the world averages. GGS offers a plethora of subject choices along with a wide range of co-curricular pursuits to choose from. Over years, GGS Alumni have been well placed into the leading universities across the world such as UCLA, UT, British Columbia, University of Waterloo amongst others.

The Diploma Curriculum

Candidates must choose at least 3 courses and not more than 4 at higher level (HL) and the remaining at standard level (SL). In addition to the six courses, DP students must study three compulsory elements that broaden student’s intellectual & educational experience and challenges them to apply their knowledge and skills.

The Diploma Programme Core

Extended Essay (EE)

Requires DP students to undertake an independent in depth research of a question in relation to one of the DP courses that they are studying. Student are expected to produce a 4000-word essay based on the research undertaken in consultation with a supervisor.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Is a unique course designed to develop critical thinking, reflecting into the very nature of knowledge and aiding students in understanding the connections between the areas of knowledge / subject disciplines. TOK encourages students to question knowledge in a variety of contexts and helps in formulating answers from multiple perspectives. At the end of two years, students are expected to showcase their understanding through a TOK exhibition and a 1600-word TOK essay based on one of the six prescribed essay titles for the year.

Creativity, Activity & Service

Students are expected to participate in a range of experiences over a period of 18 months in line with the holistic approach of the IB alongside their academic studies.

The 3 strands of CAS are:


Exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance e.g. theatre, dance, script writing, creative writing, newsletter, yearbooks etc.


Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle. e.g. swimming, soccer, tennis, running, physical training, yoga, trekking, walking, etc.


Collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need. e.g. working with the NGO’s on service projects, setting up and conducting tutoring for people in need, working in relief camps, raising awareness about environmental issues etc. Students are required to maintain a CAS portfolio as an evidence of their engagement via the online learning management system ManageBac.