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11th February, 2014

Evening Sky Observation at Genesis

Genesis Global School recently organised a session called ‘Hands-on Telescope’ for the Students of Astronomy- Club, with the Help of an organisation known as ANTRIKSH EDUCATION Pvt. Ltd.
An educator from ANTRIKSH EDUCATION explained the Construction and working of a Telescope. The Students were then shown the Demonstration of the Same. The Students looked at the Moon, Jupiter and its satellites through a 12inch telescope and were completely mesmerised on having seen the Celestial bodies so clearly from the Earth.

A young astronomer exclaimed “It was fantastic to see the Craters of moon from my school ground”. Parents who accompanied the Students also looked into the Night sky through telescopes.
They applauded the School’s effort in providing hands – on- experience to the Children. After the Exclusive session for the Astronomy Club, boarders and teachers also enjoyed the Sky watch.
The Evening successfully aroused the Interest of students in astronomy.

Astronomy1 Astronomy2 Astronomy3 Astronomy4 Astronomy5

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