Tech Innovation
Explore the future in tech at our innovation hub and experience our multifaceted multimedia lab open for all.
Explore the future in tech at our innovation hub and experience our multifaceted multimedia lab open for all.
The school has modified physical infrastructure and teaching methodologies to meet the needs of all children including children with special needs. All the buildings are barrier free and disabled friendly. GGS will also aim to ensure availability of accessible study material including talking textbooks, reading machines and computers with speech software, adequate number of sign language interpreters, transcription services and a loop induction system for the hearing impaired if needed.
GGS appoints Special Educators particularly to work with students with autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and specific learning disabilities. These special educators may have to be qualified as per guidelines of the Rehabilitation Council of India. In addition, we also ensure regular in-service training of teachers in inclusive education at the elementary and secondary level.
Individual Evaluation Programmes for students with disabilities are designed by a Special Educator. This programme sets specific goals for each child with special needs, based upon their appraisal by a Special Educator. Earlier guidelines from CBSE have called to revisit classroom organization required for the education of children with special needs.
Third language exemptions (Classes 6 to 8)
(a) The following categories of students are exempted from studying a third language (classes 6 to 8): Visually impaired students, students with speech and hearing impairments, students with dyslexia, students who have the impairments listed under the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 Second language exemptions (Class 10 examinations)
(b) Students with disabilities recognized by the CBSE may opt for only one language (typically Hindi or English) and take other subjects as an alternative, for Class 10 examinations Private Candidates (Class 10 and 12 examinations)
(c) Students with disabilities applying as private candidates who are bonafide residents of Delhi can opt for Music, Painting, Home Science as the subjects of study, for their class 10 and 12 examinations Physical Education Exemptions (Class 10 examinations)
(d) Physiotherapy exercises will be considered equivalent to Physical and Health Education course of the Board for Class 10 examinations