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Role of a Teacher in Student Life

Why Student-Teacher Relationship Matter

The role of a teacher in a student’s life is really very important. Let’s know about how to build a strong bonding between you and a student.


Mental health counselling is very important for the proper well-being of a student. On this Mental Health awareness day, know the reason why mental health & its conversations in schools are important!

Unleashing Creativity In Future Changemakers

Creative thinking emerges a new way of looking at events. It allows students to develop new ideas and awareness of the highest order. Creative thinking process can enhance the productivity of a student. Unleashing creativity in future changemakers

Teaching Young Learners Creative Writing Skills

Why creative writing skills are important for our young learners? Find out all your answer, types of writing skills and how to improve student writing skills.

Making Learning Fun with Games

Remember the mischief and memories of Snakes and Ladders? Besides being a great bonding activity among family and friends, it was also a great way for children to learn early mathematics concepts like addition and counting. Today, gaming has evolved much beyond that with concepts such as STEM learning which aims to build self-confidence in children through experimentation. There are also many fun math games available in the market which are aimed at increasing the child’s intuitive math abilities.

 Unfolding Magic at Home via Science experiments

Young children are naturally inquisitive, curious about what is happening in the world around them, and tend to investigate how things work. Therefore, it is critical to promote scientific learning in early childhood as it would help them visualize how these concepts function in the real world and give them a sense that they can use their knowledge beyond just tests and homework assignments. And, the best way to achieve this is through scientific experiments.

Why Sustainable Development Goals

Education is no longer about learning within the four walls of a building. Rather, it’s a learning outside the classrooms--for life from life, with life. The technological advances in the last two years along with acceleration in learning catalysed by the pandemic have highlighted the importance of community building for a sustainable future with people-planet-profit as a primary goal.

The growing popularity of best residential school in India

The nuclear family structure in the growing urban middle-class of India is new-normal. But it has its drawbacks as most parents do not have enough time to devote to their children. Therefore, the demand for a residential school system has increased since the child is always under watch. Residential schools successfully instill in children habits of discipline, independence, and confidence.

Best schools in Noida

To say that a school is the foundational pillar of any child’s life journey would be an understatement. Schools are not just formal teaching institutions. A school is where a child learns the most valuable life lessons; high-quality education, about humanity, respecting nature, kindness, humility and the importance of brotherhood, camaraderie and equality, among others.

Genesis Wall Of Fame

Genesis swimmers proved yet again that hard work and dedication are the only routes to success. The wall of fame proudly displays 64 medals(18 Gold, 22 Silver and 24 Bronze) won by Genesians in Inter school swimming competition held at #StepbyStepSchool from 22nd to 24th August 2016.