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Benefits of global education to become global citizens


The primary role of education is to enable students with the skills, aptitudes, and dispositions required to be effective and competitive in the current and future world system. There is an ever-increasing awareness among educators, students, parents, policymakers, and the general population that education needs to respond to the constantly evolving global paradigm.
How to hep your child stay organized for everday school

How to help your child stay organized for everyday school?

There are weekday mornings’ where parents run a race against the clock. When the school bus arrives, parents tend to be frustrated, frazzled, and screaming at their child. In this competitive world, children are expected to organize their environment and manage their time in order to be ahead. All children need some help learning, to get organized and to
Significance of parents involvment in students performance

Why an active involvement of Parents is significant in a students’ performance?

A lot of factors influence a student ’s academic and co-curricular performance - parents’ involvement being a crucial part of it. Parents who are actively involved in their child’s education, from the starting greatly influence the child’s future development. The most effective learning starts at home, through basic learning activities that shape their early education.
Is your child being bullied

Is Your Child Being Bullied? Know the Signs and How to Help?

Anyone can be a victim of bullying, both children and adults. The most affected although, are children who are shy, quiet and have fewer friends. They tend to be victims of bullying while popular children are more likely to be bullies. From physical bullying to mentally harassing others, the constant increase in such instances urges parents to address th
How to be friends with your teenage children

How to be friends with your teenage children?

With constantly changing lifestyles due to rise of incomes, advent of technology in daily life and evolving social norms, it is inevitable for all of us to have to adapt to the changing times. On the other hand, our children, have been born in this milieu, learning, grasping and witnessing for the first time in this environment and as a result, are naturally far more adept in navigating it than us.
Social Media a Boon or Bane for Students

Social Media – A Boon or a Bane for Students?

A constant struggle of parents today is to unhook their children from their laptop and phone screens. With the continuously growing internet-savvy world, everyone is glued to their screens to connect, play, learn and get entertained. Students tend to learn and solve their academic concerns as well as enjoy recreational activities online.
Tips and Tricks to Lead a Waste-free Lifestyle

Tips and Tricks to Lead a Waste-free Lifestyle

Living a waste-free life is no longer a theoretical concept, but rather a practical life style change which is more than necessary at the current world scenario. With polar ice-caps melting, extinction of wildlife and sea life, the world is experiencing an alarming rate of global situations that need to be addressed at the earliest.
Top Ten Books Not To Miss in 2019

Top Ten Books that No Student Should Miss In 2019

A good book is like a good friend, always there to help you, guide you and be with you. You may be an avid reader but taking time out to find good reading material can be a task on its own.
Why Environment Learning is so important?

Why Environmental Learning Is As Important As Academic and Sports Education?

Understanding the gravity of the environmental crisis around us, it is significant to have thorough knowledge in order to protect and prevent further deterioration. Instilling the love and care for the surroundings is essential in a young learners’ education. Making sure that the needs of the future generation are met by the earth’s resources,
Summer projects a learning experience or waste of time?

Summer Projects – A Learning Experience or Waste of Time?

The start of summer vacations, tempt students with the long-awaited days of sleeping in, chilling on the couch and seeing old friends. School life, today however, has opened up a wide range of avenues and umpteen challenges for the modern-day learners. Gone are the days when imparting of lessons was conventional and compressed into the rigorous modules. It has been observed and researched that young minds today, are burdened with tremendous expectations and academic pressure. In such an environment, summer vacations are a necessity to break the monotony for the overall development of a child’s body, mind and personality.