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/ Why an active involvement of Parents is significant in a students’ performance?

Why an active involvement of Parents is significant in a students’ performance?

Significance of parents involvment in students performance

A lot of factors influence a student ’s academic and co-curricular performance – parents’ involvement being a crucial part of it. Parents who are actively involved in their child’s education, from the starting greatly influence the child’s future development. The most effective learning starts at home, through basic learning activities that shape their early education. Although, with such engaging lifestyle in these times, it tends to be a lot harder for parents to catch up with their child’s everyday school activities.


Sending children to school, attending parent-teacher meets, instructing them to score better than others, isn’t particularly being involved. An active parent is the one who searches for reasons behind the child’s performances. With a degrading performance, it is essential to know the factors that are affecting it – it might be a dislike to the particular subject, bullying, or any other cause. Better communication is the key to deciphering the right grounds involved and acting accordingly on it.


Parents are the first mentors of a child, so leaving their academic growth completely on the teacher and school isn’t feasible. A simple act of checking your ward’s homework every day can make a significant difference – your child needs to be aware of your involvement, making them vigil towards performing better. The lack of parental guidance may make young learners prone to bad behavior and neglecting them might lead to withdrawal and stress, ultimately negatively affecting their performance in life.


Constant support from parents becomes a source of positivity and an anchor for the learners to define their goals and accomplish them. It is critical for parents and teachers to be at the same pace while discussing the student’s growth and future plans. Learn from them about the child’s activities in school and make sure to correct the child if something is wrong. Maintaining a healthy parent-teacher relationship shows your interest in your kid’s matters making them actively participate in their school curriculum.


Besides, support and care sometimes children tend to be diverted or more interested in the co-curricular activities, ignoring their education. Although extra-curriculum is essential for a child’s growth – it cannot replace education – parents need to find fun ways to help the young learners enjoy the textbooks along with letting their creative mind breathe too. Many studies and surveys have noted the importance of a parent’s involvement in the child’s education. Students with good support from home have proved to achieve better grades at school and grew up with higher self-esteem.


A homely, comfortable environment at home is critical for a child’s better development. Both father and mother should consider the importance of their study life and give them adequate moral support. Do it together and help them with some tips and guidance in doing the assignments better along with a significant focus on co-curricular activities.


On 04-10-2019 0 1726

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