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/ What Can Students Learn by Playing Golf?

What Can Students Learn by Playing Golf?

Golf for Beginners

Sports and extracurricular activities are the two most essential catalysts when a student is going through their formative years. A great deal of time is spent on the positive development of students. Today, the school curriculum is aligned in a way that helps in all-round development, as opposed to just academic progress.

When the topic of ‘sports’ lands on the table, hardly anyone mentions golf. Cricket, football, badminton, and basketball are the ones that get the most mentions. However, golf is every bit more than just a sport. Learning how to play golf can foster a positive development that can help the child lead a satisfying and productive life. Through golf, students can learn a great deal about their peers, social dynamics and most of all – about themselves.

Let’s take a look at the key points and see what students can learn by playing golf.

  1. Being More Respectful

Golf requires one to be more courteous to other players and communicate with respect. There are specific rules that every player must follow such as – fixing the ball marks, not stepping in someone’s line, staying quiet during other player’s turn, waiting for the turn, and more. In such a way, players are required to exhibit high standards of sportsmanship at all times while respecting the players and the game.

  1. Learning to Accept the Uncontrollable

Without a doubt, golf is a challenging sport that requires skill and persistence. When a student first starts with the golf basics – they will have a tough time with the sport. There will be situations when they hit a perfect shot, yet the result will be far from their expectation. Such situations will teach students to accept that not all outcomes are controllable. It is an essential life skill that students must learn in their formative years.

  1. Teaching Patience

It will take some time before students start getting good at golf. Even though golf looks simple from the outside, the story is different on the ground. It requires students to be visionary and extremely careful with their shots. So, students who play golf will learn to be more patient, and they will realise the importance of taking one shot at a time. It is a virtue in life, one that every student should learn.

  1. Improving Focus

Golf helps improve focus tremendously. Since there is only one shot per turn – players must be focused to make the best of their turn. In addition to knowing the physics behind the shot, players must concentrate on the task at hand. Furthermore, after a bad shot, players must quickly regain focus to complete the game. Students learn how to set goals in the game which in turn helps them set goals in everything they do, including academics.

  1. Value of Practicing and Persistence

If someone is wondering – how to play golf or how to learn golf quickly – the only correct answer is practice and persistence. Instant success in golf is rare; however, students can always devote time and quickly catch up with golf basics and advance to next level. In golf, it’s rare to reach the goal in one stroke. Similarly, it’s important to know that it holds true for life too. Rarely does success come overnight. Golf teaches students the art of practising and staying persistent towards their goal. It’s a skill that comes handy throughout life.

  1. Visioning and Problem Solving

Golf requires the player to be a visionary. Visually playing the entire course is normal and enhances the chances of winning. When a student plays golf, they add these traits in their character and start to visualise success. ‘Seeing the end goal’ becomes more prominent in their lives. Also, students who play golf are better problem solvers. During a game of golf, players must tackle the adversities of weather, trees, sand and more to hit the ball through the course into the holes.

Golf is a great sport and highly prevalent in many countries because it’s fun and fosters many skills. So, if you’re wondering where is golf played, then you’re in the right place. We at Genesis Global School offer golf and many other sports to our scholars. We believe in teaching students how to play golf and instil a wide set of skills that complement their future. Our scholars have participated and finished as 1st runner up the US Kids Golf European Championship 2018.




On 22-02-2019 0 2513

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