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/ Hostel Life vs Home Life: A Student’s Guide to CBSE Boarding Schools in India

Hostel Life vs Home Life: A Student’s Guide to CBSE Boarding Schools in India

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As parents, if you have ever experienced hostel life, you must be familiar with the joys of it. When children get ready to start a new life away from home, especially those moving into a hostel, it is natural for them to be curious about the difference between life in a hostel and life at home. Moreover, the film industry often entertainingly portrays hostel life in a certain way, which draws a lot of youngsters’ curiosity towards it.  

Since life in a  hostel is altogether a whole new experience with a lot of changes, students often hesitate while making the choice to be in one. However, there is no doubt that once they get comfortable there, students make lifelong friendships and memories. We, at Genesis Global School, offer a world-class hostel school in Delhi equipped with modern infrastructure and facilities for a comfortable stay during academic sessions.  

Hostel life vs home life—there are so many things that make each of them different and meaningful in their own way. However, if you are planning to consider a hostel school in Delhi, below is a list of things that makes hostel life unique from home life: 

Sense of Oneness A hostel in Delhi for school students allows them to study and live together, which develops a sense of oneness and a spirit of teamwork among them. They learn how to cohabit as a cohesive group, looking after each other. Also, if a student needs to study on their own, there are separate reading rooms or study rooms where they can do so, peacefully. In case of any doubt, they are free to consult teachers at any time of the day. 

If you want your child to join a hostel school in Delhi, remember that it is crucial to perform in-depth research and enquire about the various facilities available.  

  • More Time for Themselves 

For scholarly students, a hostel offers a better environment as it has zero disturbance when compared to their homes. They are free from any other responsibility except their studies and other areas of personal development. Whereas, at home, for most of the time, children tend to become occupied by the likes of domestic duties, which often affects their study pattern. Comparatively, hostel students focus on their studies without any interruption. 

Besides academics, students also get a lot of constructive free time, after classes, to discover their interests and talents through sports and co-curricular. Genesis offers a variety of options for students to pick as their hobbies and skills. You can check for school in Delhi with hostel facility to choose the right one for your child.  

  • The Gift of Independence 

The greatest of all traits that a hostel school in Delhi ingrains in children is independence. At home, parents tend to remove every possible obstacle that might trouble their children. However, hostel life makes your child learn both the positive and negative impacts of independence. They learn to be accountable for every choice or step they take. 

Social functions are also held in a hostel, and students are responsible for organising and participating in them. It helps them develop a sense of responsibility, culture and refinement. In the hostel, students have to take care of their own things and maintain their lifestyle based on what they can manage. All these develop in them a spirit of self-reliance at a very young age. 

Choose the Right Path 

It is often said that the right path is not the easiest one. It is because we constantly need to challenge ourselves to see what we can bear and conquer. A hostel life may not be as comfortable and warm as your home, but it takes hardship to value the good times truly. Moreover, hostel life is all about learnings, life lessons and a bag full of memories. Besides, what can be better than a positive educational environment that provides room for student’s comprehensive growth to find success in life. 

If you are searching for a boarding school in Delhi with hostel, you can explore your options online and choose the best one. The best hostel school in Delhi helps in the all-round development of personality and fosters self-reliance. Genesis Global School, is a hostel that offers not just academics and sports but a whole lot more to make your child’s hostel experience wholesome. 

On 18-06-2020 0 5100

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