We believe that co- curricular activities lead to aesthetic development and character building. They also augment creativity and enhance the moral, spiritual and physical growth of our young students. Thus, along with academics we aim to provide our students global experiences and the opportunities to grow. To fulfil this need the Trinity College courses of Drama and Speaking were introduced to the students of the Middle and Senior school in 2013.
The lessons are conducted in the SUPW period. Students are encouraged take charge of their own learning and select their own pieces for communication as well as acting. This gives the student an opportunity to explore a wide variety of text and content, that helps them choose their project. They analyse the text, the genre and the effect which the writer is trying to create through his work. Courses like these help children to give up their inhibitions and showcase their creativity. To a large extent, theoretical knowledge that students are taught in the classroom, gets strengthened when a relevant co-curricular activity supports it. Openness in thought and clarity in language are some of the additional benefits of these activities. They also help develop co-ordination, adjustment, speech fluency, extempore expressions etc. in the scholars at both, the school and college levels.
Students are mentored by teachers of the School and assessed by an examiner from Trinity College, U.K. and in a short span of three years, our students have taken the initial, intermediate and advanced levels of examination where most of them have scored a merit or a distinction.