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Why Genesis Awards

German B2 Exam
#ggsachievers #GGSWallofFame

German B2 Exam

Congratulating, GGS student Mohammed Shihab for successfully passing his German B2 (according to CEFR European Standards) Exam (Goethe Institute) and receiving an overall score of 88/100 with top band marks in both Writing and Speaking.He has gone above and beyond his academic commitments and written the TestAS Exam (Test fuer Auslaendische Studierende) an exam of “Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences” Module, and received a score of 99th percentile.

First in the Prelims Round of NEAST

First in the Prelims Round of NEAST

Congratulating! Grade 11 student Siddharth Sahay for standing first in the prelims round (2nd level) of NEAST (National Anveshika Experimental Skills Test) 2020, from our region.

He is among the 34 children across India who have been selected to represent their region in the National round.

He was felicitated in a virtual programme organized by NANI (National Anveshika Network of India) and was presented his Certificate of Appreciation by famous physicist Padma Shri Dr. H C Verma.

Syntax Inter School IT Event

Syntax Inter School IT Event

Congratulating, Paridhi Tiwari and Epshita of Grade 10 for having secured 2nd position in the Policy Making event in the Virtual SYNTAX Inter School IT event organized by Delhi Public School- International, Saket, New Delhi

Catch the closing ceremony of the event on

IKCC Scratch-Outstanding Script

IKCC Scratch-Outstanding Script

Congratulating Aarish Goel, Grade 4B for ranking 5th position internationally in the World Scratch Coding Contest 2020 organized by International Kids Coding Competitions.

His submission can be viewed on

Round Square- King Constantine Medal

Round Square- King Constantine Medal

Super Proud of GGS Grade 12 student Aditya Arjun Anibha for being honoured with the Round Square – King Constantine Medal* (2019 – 20). He is being awarded this medal for his outstanding service work for the community. He has enthusiastically initiated and participated in many service projects in diverse fields.

*This medal is presented to an exceptional individual or group of individuals from every Round Square Global Member School who has done unusual and outstanding service work within their local or school community and truly embraces the spirit of the Round Square IDEALS.

Watch Aditya’s Journey –

Watch Aditya’s work for designing, creating and executing service driven e-learning projects –

Online Inter-Class Yoga Competition

Online Inter-Class Yoga Competition

Congratulating all the winners of the first ever GGS remote Inter Class Yoga Competition!

Junior Academy of the New York Academy

Junior Academy of the New York Academy

Congratulating GGS students Shihab Mohammad and Paridhi Tiwari for being chosen to join the Junior Academy* of the New York Academy of Sciences where they will be introduced to an online community and will gain access to best-in-class STEM resources and work together to solve real-world problems.

Also congratulating, Mr. Ganesh Tiwari who has been selected to become a mentor/expert with The Junior Academy.

* Each year, the New York Academy of Sciences selects 1,000 of the worlds brightest high school students (ages 13-17) to become part of The Junior Academy, which is a community of exceptional students, STEM experts, and companies around the world dedicated to designing innovative solutions to global challenges. Students develop advanced research, innovation, and collaboration skills with best-in-class learning resources and leverage these skills to compete in challenges sponsored by industry-leading companies.

National Design Championship

National Design Championship

Congratulating MYP2 students Ronit Raj and Vansh Arora for securing the Runners-up position in App Designing at the Regional Level (Delhi and Lucknow) in Design Championship*, an initiative by MindBox and India’s Biggest National Design Championship.

*Since its inception in 2014, Design Championship has seen more than 80,000 participants across India, built 5000+ Games, 1000+ Movies, 2000+ Graphics, 500+ Apps and 1000+ Industrial Design.
2020 being the ‘Year of Change’, this year – Design Championship has provided students an Online platform to showcase their Design Skills and compete at the National Level.

Online Yoga Competition

Online Yoga Competition

Congratulations!!! Grade 1 student Ashwika Nigam for clinching 1st Position in the Under-5 Girls Category of the Online UP State Yoga Competition 2020 organised virtually by Jaypee Public School, Greater Noida.

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