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Olympiad 2022 Award

Congratulating our team member Mr.Gaurav Garg for being recognized and felicitated with the CENTA International Teaching Professionals’ Olympiad 2022 Award* and being awarded the 1st Rank Internationally as a subject expert in Accountancy for senior classes.

He brings back a cash prizes along with citations from Reliance Foundation, in addition to a set of other prestigious awards and prizes from the likes of the University of California Santa Cruz, Teach for India -Firki and more.

*Lakhs of teachers from 100,000+ schools across 7000+ locations from 70+ countries participated in the CENTA International Teaching Professionals Olympiad.CENTA® International Teaching Professionals’ Olympiad (TPO) is a 2 Stage competition with the top scorers of CENTA TQ, qualifying for the Final round, where CENTA’s Teaching Quotient (TQ) is a high-quality assessment based on the globally benchmarked CENTA Standards that leads to a TQ Score. It is a state-of-the-art fully online, proctored test that holistically assesses Subject Expertise, Subject Pedagogy, General Pedagogy, Professional Competencies and domain-related written and verbal communication. Completing the CENTA® (TQ) earns you the prestigious CENTA® TQ Certification. In the final round, teachers are evaluated based on their classroom teaching skills, pedagogy, and creativity in the content.

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