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STEM & Space Asteroid Search Campaign

We have a discoverer among us! Kudos to Grade 12 student, Aditya Arjun Anibha for making provisional discoveries of asteroids from the May-June 2020 STEM & Space Asteroid Search Campaign!* Out of several asteroids that were listed as preliminary discoveries, 11 have been confirmed as provisional asteroid discoveries by the Minor Planet Catalog (MPC) and will be formally recorded in the catalogue. Out of these 11, Aditya has made two Provisional Asteroid discoveries.*STEM & Space conducted a highly specialized month-long project in May-June 2020, in collaboration with the International Astronomy Search Collaboration (IASC). Students were trained and guided to look through real images from the Pan Staors telescope in Hawaii and search for asteroids under this project. Asteroid discoveries with provisional status are maintained in the MPC database for many years until there have been sufficient observations to determine the orbit fully. That process typically takes 6-10 years, at which point the asteroid is numbered and catalogued by the International Astronomical Union. Numbered asteroids can be named by their citizen scientist discoverers.

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