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1st October, 2013

Trip to Railway Museum People make efforts to create transportation systems that meet their needs

In the Month of October, when the Students of Grade 1 were investigating an exciting unit under the theme “How we organize ourselves”, with the Central Idea – “People make efforts to create transportation systems that meet their needs”, they went on a field trip. This was undertaken to go further in their inquiry on Transportation and also to enjoy their learning. The Students went on an educational tour to the Railway Museum, New Delhi on 1st October, 2013. They were very excited and enthusiastic and especially enjoyed the Ride on the ‘Toy Train’. They saw various other trains like the ‘First Steam Engine’ and the ‘First Electric Train’. They also saw models of various trains which were 100 years old. They had carried snacks and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. This was a prime example of ‘Learning while doing’.
eight five seven six

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