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15th July, 2011

French Festival

Genesis Global School Celebrates France’s Independence Day with a French Festival.

The Students of Genesis Global School organised a French Festival on Friday-15th July, to commemorate the Independence Day of France. The Festival was celebrated with great enthusiasm by students of all classes.

The Junior children wore placards representative of a French poem- ‘Bon Weekend’, which they sang melodiously.

They also exhibited their talent by performing the Famous “baroque dance” and charmed the Audience. The Senior students participated in a Quiz on French cuisine, architecture and the other facts.

Mr Sajal Ghosh, the Genesis Chef prepared a special menu where he served sumptuous French dishes- a’l’ Huile de noix (French salad), tamates farcies (stuffed tomatoes), cepes a’la sarladaise (crepes) and tarte aux fruits (fruit tarts), which were enjoyed to the Hilt by children.

There was a special stall with books for sale on French language, culture and heritage, poems and stories.

Class boards were decorated with the theme “L’histoire aet la’culture dela france i.e. culture and heritage of France”.

Genesis Global School is an international school and thus promotes festivals of different cultures which not only bring about an understanding of cross cultural values but heightens sensitivity of common challenges.

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