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31 October, 2015

Round Square Conference

The Genesis Global School – Round Square Conference was one of the Most insightful experiences we have ever had! It really didn’t seem that we had met these people just 2 days ago. The Participants were a delight. It is your enthusiastic participation that has made this conference a success. Be it in the Barraza sessions, the Adventure activities or the Flash mob. All of you have given your best.

All in all, this experience was a heart-warming one and we are sure that even if we can’t remember all of the Participants faces, we’ll remember the Moments spent with these wonderful people with beautiful hearts. These 4 days made us realise and introspect our actions and how they affect or cause other’s to react. It is now safe to say that we take back with us a lot of memories that we will cherish all our lives. Along with the Fun, all of us were able to increase our bandwidth of perception and evolve as better humans. Can’t wait to see you next year. Until then do utilise the Knowledge that you have gained in this conference and do your bit to make this world a better place. United we stand!

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